How to access the MCB Core:
1. Complete our intake form. This is required for all new users
This is a Qualtrics form that we recommend you complete in one sitting. However, you can return to it later (it will save your progress for a week). You do not need to have a Qualtrics account to access the form.
If you are an non-Harvard user, you will also need to complete our Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Harvard’s Risk and Release Form and attach it to the intake form.
In addition, if you do not have a Harvard Key, you will need to complete the Harvard Sponsored Role Intake process (formerly POI). This is necessary for step 2 below. Please email Angie Greer for the form at
2. Complete Harvard Required Online Safety Training
The SEAS MCB is a research core that allows for the work with a variety of research materials that could include chemical, physical, and biological hazards. To ensure everyone has a baseline understand of safety and Harvard specific safety policies and resources, online training must be completed before use of the MCB core.
- Training in Harvard Training Portal
Individuals must complete and be current on their annual renewal for EH&S Laboratory Safety training before working in the Core.
EH&S Laboratory Safety Training
- General Laboratory Safety (EHS): EHS-LAB100 or General Laboratory Safety Refresher (EHS): EHS-LAB200
- Laboratory Biosafety (EHS): EHS-LAB103 or Laboratory Biosafety Refresher (EHS): EHS-LAB203
Find these trainings by logging in with your Harvard Key ( and searching EHS-LAB100 or EHS-LAB200 and EHS-LAB203.
If you do not have a Harvard Key, you will need to complete the Harvard Sponsored Role Intake process (formerly POI). Please email Angie Greer for the form at
3. Sign-up for a room safety orientation session – Click to sign up for training
The Core follows laboratory safety guidelines as determined by Harvard University’s Environmental Health and Safety office. This requires a space specific training that reviews PPE locations, exits, emergency numbers, emergency supplies, etc… In addition, we review core policies. Please use this orientation as an opportunity to ask questions.
New core users must be given a core facility safety orientation by core staff before they begin work.
- Hazardous Waste
Follow proper guidelines for the handling and disposal of hazardous materials. If you are unsure of these guidelines, please contact EHS or Angie Greer.
- BL2 Work
If you would like to bring BL2 level materials into the MCB Core, please speak to Angie Greer to help you to determine appropriate safety protocols and verify your work with your PI’s COMS protocol.
3. Individual instrument training
Instrument Training: Researchers must receive training by a Core staff member prior to using any core instrumentation. Training colleagues on the Core’s instrumentation is prohibited. Contact Angie Greer for more info.
Additional Services :
Dry Ice can be obtained from LL2.200.C9-03 (across from the MCB Core).
- Weekly delivery is on Mondays – if there is more demand, we will increase frequency of deliveries – Contact Angie Greer for more information.
The Glass Wash and Autoclaving Facility can be accessed by:
- Obtaining an PPMS account.
- Sign-up for a training session here – hosted by Science Operations
We take pride in our collaborative working environment, friendly atmosphere, and easy accessibility. Please be respectful of the instrumentation, lab space, and other people working in the labs.
4. Login to PPMS
PPMS account registration:
Upon the intake form being approved (MOU and related for external also approved), will trigger the creation of a PPMS account. You will receive a notification.
Researchers must reserve their use of Core equipment by logging into PPMS:
Our instruments in PPMS require a billing code. To add one, see Angie’s PPMS tutorial.
To view the fees associated with instruments in the MCB core, click here.